Women’s Midlife Collective
Sunshine Coast

Women’s Wellness Ceremony

We are a small group of like-minded women in midlife (peri-menopausal/menopausal) meeting up monthly to connect through deep conversations, guided meditation, ceremony and rituals.

Women supporting women in divine sacred feminine energies, sharing and exploring our spirituality.

You matter! Your voice matters! We need you! The Collective needs you!

What the members say in the Women’s Midlife Collective…

“A fantastic evening with lovely women, in an intimate safe space where we took part in a cacao ceremony and guided meditation, exploring our deepest thoughts and receiving messages from beyond.”

Tina M.

“I recently had the good fortune to attend a meet-up of the Women's Midlife Collective. What a treat to be able to enjoy the company of like-minded ladies, going through similar stages in their lives in a safe, comforting environment. Lucy led us through a guided meditation, a cacao ceremony and conversations which held meaningful dialogue about living the midlife journey with purpose, gratitude, and fun.”

Sara B.

“A beautiful evening held in a warming relaxing safe space to reset your inner self, and reconnect with other beautiful women during our midlife transition. Thanks Lucy, to help me feel my emotions and my vitality, to be heard and seen and have a presence in the crazy hectic world.”

Krissy S.

Here’s what’s happening in 2024…

In the Sacred Midlife Cirlce, we'll embark on a unique journies together, women supporting women, immersing ourselves in the wisdom of midlife and exploring this exciting new phase of rebirth (and rite of passage) and new possibilities with engaging topics.

  • Healing the Mother-line

  • Letting go of Old Stories

  • Meeting the Shadow

  • Honouring Self

  • Creating a Legacy

  • Energy Mastery

  • Feminine Wisdom

Coming soon… stay tuned for more details for events in 2024!

  • Guided Meditation

    Guided meditation will be on offer at each monthly meet up. This is a time for self reflection and connection for you to experience soul awareness and soul expansion.

  • Ceremony

    Bringing in the divine feminine sacred energies through ceremony and ritual. Each month there will be a different theme and topic for open discussion.

  • Nourishment for the Soul

    Connecting with Pachu Mama through sacred cacao making way for deep enrichment of your spiritual journey.

It's the perfect opportunity to nurture your soul and embrace the power of the divine feminine energy within you. Your presence and vibrant energy are exactly what the COLLECTIVE needs.

Reserve your spot today and unlock a world of infinite possibilities.

$35 per class

MORE events in 2024 coming soon…stay tuned!

Connection Support Expansion